Training « Forest Tales »


The Living Museum offers environmental education program for cycle classes 2 and 3 of Aravis, Haute-Savoie or elsewhere, to be distributed throughout the year, and integrating into a real educational project ...

To be closer to the child’s everyday environment, we offer the first 2 half days near the school or center ...

Half Day 1: The Life of the Forest (3h)

This half-day will allow the child to soak the forest environment through sensory work. Through practical activities and games, we will discover the different tree species present in the medium studied, their life and their operation (photosynthesis, seasonal cycles, etc.) ...

Half Day 2: Life in the Forest (3h)

This sequence will study the different animal and plant species in a forest ecosystem: microfauna to mammals, to birds, children learn to know and recognize that biodiversity through surveys and other fun activities ...

Half Day 3: Forest, Wood and Men (Website of the Living Museum - Thônes - 3h)

The latter sequence will make the link between the forest and the Man: with playful, experimental and analytical approaches such as landscape reading, children will discover the past and present human activity in the valley and the different roles of mountain forest ... Finally, we will visit the Sawmill of Etouvières to discover the local wood industry yesterday and today ...


Program Objectives

  • Awareness of the environment in general and sustainable development
  • Knowing its immediate environment and heritage
  • Discover the forest ecosystem
  • Understanding ecosystem functioning
  • Understand the environment through different approaches,
  • Explore the plant and animal life of the forest
  • Understanding the close relationship of man with the forest
  • Discover the timber industry, then and now


If you do not wish to participate in the entire educational program, the Ecomuseum offers to select one or two half days, with content that can be modified according to your project ...

Half days Price Travel expenses
1: "The Life of the Forest" € 200.00 € 0.62 / km
No. 2: "Life in the Forest" € 200.00 € 0.62 / km
3: "The Forest, Wood and Men" € 200.00 € 0.62 / km
TOTAL € 200.00 + fees


Between Annecy lake and Aravis mountains

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